Bd Art. Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

mazowieckie - Polska
Informacja o Bd Art. Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

Who we are?
17 years tradition of manufacturing mouldings, frames and mirrors
16 years experience with ikea
221 employees
45 special machines for woodworking, glass & paper processing
70 000 m² of land
35 000 m² of buildings

1995 Production starts in Wołomin
1996 First production of Ribba (42 000 000 pcs till today)
1998 Transfer of production to Małkinia Górna
1999 Beginning of production of Hemnes (1 200 000 pcs)
2005 Expansion of the manufacturing plant
(new mouldings production line).
2009 Beginning of production of Songe 72 (90 000),
2009 Beginning of production Songe 91x130 (180 000),
2009 Beginning of production Songe 91x197 (50 000)
2011 Beginning of production of Ribba Ledge (1 100 000)
2013 Beginning of production of Hemnes

Mirror production line
Lead free, copper free and solvent free - environmentally friendly technology
Output up to 4 500 000 m²/year
Electricity savings up to 40% in comparison to other mirror lines
Components from the world's best suppliers:
Paints - water-based backside protection paint and uv paint - fenzi Italy
High-quality components and Silver nitrate - Dr. Schmitt Germany
Cooperation - Cefla - Italy & Transtar - China
Professional laboratory for testing the quality
Introduction of " ce "
Introduction of iso procedures 9001 & 14001, 18001

Nazwa firmy:
Bd Art. Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Siedziba dla celów podatkowych:
Jana iii Sobieskiego 6a
Malkinia Gorna
Akceptowane formy płatności:
do uzgodnienia
Wyróżnieni dostawcy